Safety Velvet Nose Buds
Safety Velvet Nose Buds
Safety Velvet Nose Buds
Safety Velvet Nose Buds
Safety Velvet Nose Buds
Safety Velvet Nose Buds
Safety Velvet Nose Buds
Safety Velvet Nose Buds
Safety Velvet Nose Buds

Safety Velvet Nose Buds

₹5.00 - ₹15.00

Safety Velvet Nose Buds Assorted Colors, 

Plastic triangle velvet nose, Nose with Washer, Craft, Soft Toys, Stuffed Toys, Plush Animals, Puppets, Teddy Bears, DIY Making Toys.

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Product Details

Safety Nose Buds are in Triangle shape with Velvet coating.

Made of premium plastic material, durable and safe for use.

Washer can prevent the nose out of the dolls, puppets, Teddy bears, Plush animals.

Available in different colors -Red, Brown, Black, Baby Pink- with different sizes.

Suitable for Teddy Bears, , Craft, Soft Toys, Stuffed Toys, Plush Animals and Puppets.

Perfect for small and medium sized craft projects.

Use for most any Crochet, Knitting, Stuffed Animals and Doll making projects.


Think Differently… and Be Creative…

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